WAN Requirements
The Washington School District Wide Area Network (WAN) will:
- connect theschool and administrative offices with the district office for the purpose of delivering data.
- be based on a two-layer hierarchical model.
Sited at the District Office/Data Centre, Router Centre and Shaw Butte Elementary School to form a fast WAN core network will be three regional hubs. School locations will be connected to the WAN core Hubs based on their distance from them. TCP/IP and Novel IPX are the only accepted networking protocols allowed to traverse the district WAN. Any other protocols will be filtered out at the individual school sites using access routers. High-end, powerful routers will also be installed at each WAN core location. Access to the Internet or any other outside network connections will be provided through the District Office/Data Centre through a Frame Relay WAN link. For security purposes, no other connections will be permitted. Because the network is required to be functional for a minimum of 7-10 years, the WAN design will need to be able to handle at least 2 fold growth in the WAN Core throughput, and 10 fold growth in District Internet Connection throughput. Paths for future upgrades may include Modems to ISDN, T1 to T3, Frame Relay to T3, ISDN to Frame Relay or Fractional T1.
Requirements Summary
General Network should last 7 - 10 years 1000% growth for DIC 100% growth on WAN core throughput Megabit connection to hosts 100 Megabit connection to servers TCP/IP & IPX will be the only protocols
WAN Fast WAN core Connect all schools and administrative offices with district office 3 regional hubs, District Office, Router Center, & Shaw Butte Elementary School District Office will have 11 schools Router Center will have 11 schools Shaw Butte Elementary will have 10 schools Internet access only through District Office via an Frame Relay Speeds will be 10BaseT, 100BaseT, & 100BaseFX Horizontal cabling- Cat5UTP Vertical cabling Cat5UTP or Multimode Fiber-Optic